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Relieve Arthritis Pain with Dynamic Stretching Exercises

Living with arthritis has never been easy. This ailment causes your joints and other connective tissues to become inflamed, resulting in swelling, reduced flexibility, and overall weakness. Arthritis becomes more prevalent as one grows older as it often affects elderly people. 

More often than not, some people might opt to continue their sedentary lifestyle to alleviate joint pains and stiffness. However, it would be wiser to shift to a more active and safer way towards prevention and recovery.  

This article will provide you with a list of dynamic stretching exercises for reducing the painful symptoms brought by arthritis. These activities are movement-based stretches that greatly increase your energy level, strength, and mobility compared to traditional static stretches. You can also incorporate these exercises into your everyday routine, like before meditating or taking a break from work. But before hitting the ground with these activities, it would be best to consult your doctor to get the appropriate routine for you.

Shoulder & Arm Movement

Shoulder shrugs

Shoulder shrugs are some of the best stretches targeting this area for relief. Doing this exercise is easy and simple as you only need to sit or stand straight with your arms hanging by your sides. Lift your shoulders, pushing towards your head, as high as you can. Hold this pose for several seconds before going back to your original position. You can also do this exercise with one of your shoulders at a time. Repeat these shoulder shrugs at least 20 times to ease and loosen the muscles and joints of the affected area for relief.

Arm Circles

Doing arm circles is another stretching exercise that can relieve arthritis pain in your shoulders and arms. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out to the sides with your palms facing down. Make sure that your arms are aligned to your shoulders. Do circular movements using both of your arms. Repeat this around 20 times. 

To increase flexibility while relieving tension in the joints and muscles, increase the size of the circles progressively after every repetition. 

Arm Swings

Another dynamic stretching exercise that can improve your shoulder mobility is arm swings. With your arms out in front and parallel to the floor, walk forward by swinging your arms in unison to the right. Your left arm should be on your chest and pointing to the right. Keep walking as you swing your arms to the left side and emphasize focus on the shoulder joints. Repeat this exercise five times on each side.

Hip Exercises

Hinge and Reach

A great stretching for hip arthritis would be the hinge and reach. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet placed shoulder-width apart and do a gentle bend in your knees while keeping an elongated spine. With your hips serving as the hinge, slowly extend your arms forward as far as you can while gently thrusting your hips and return to your standing position. Do five to ten repetitions of this exercise for best results. 

Knee to Chest

While most dynamic exercises are done in a standing position, this particular stretch requires you to lie down to engage your hips and glutes fully. Lying down with your back on the floor, bend your left knee and grab it as if you’re hugging it. Gently pull your knee towards your chest or as far as you’re able to. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds and do the same exercise on your right leg. Aside from this alternate sequence, you can also perform it by pulling your legs together.


One of the most effective stretches for hip arthritis is sit-and-stand exercise. This movement improves the mobility of your hips and strengthens your core, glutes, and leg muscles. Standing behind a chair, slowly press bend your knees and push your hips back until you lower yourself enough or until your buttocks touch the surface of the chair. Press into your heels and straighten your legs to return to an upright standing position.

Lunges with a Twist

Aside from relieving your hip pain, lunges with a twist also help develop your lower body endurance. To start this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step forward with your right leg. From there, gently lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. You can push your right knee forward as long as it won’t get past your right toe. 

Once you’re at the bottom of the lunge, engage your core and slowly rotate your torso to the right side. Push off with your right foot to return to your starting position, then repeat on the other side.  

Legs & Feet Stretches

Leg Swings

A great exercise and stretching for arthritis, you can do this exercise while holding onto a wall to maintain balance. Start by standing with your feet around shoulder-width apart and keep your right leg in a stationary position. Then, gently swing your opposite leg forward and backward, maximizing its full range of motion. Keep your movement fluid for ten repetitions and perform it on the other side. 

Hamstring Stretch

To perform this stretch, start by lying on the floor with both of your knees bent. Then, gently straighten your right leg and lift it off the floor as high as you can, towards your head. Your goal is to feel a pain-free stretch on your hamstrings. You can either clasp your hands on your raised leg or use a strap or belt around the bottom of your foot to maintain your stretching position. Hold for around 30 seconds and slowly lower your leg to its starting position and repeat on the other side.

Step Up and Over

Step up and over exercises are a great routine for targeting multiple joints in your lower body and improving muscle strength. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding on your hips or onto a wall for balance. Put your left leg in a stationary position as you lift your right leg until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Then, step your right leg out to the side as if you are stepping over a wide object and continue into a squat position. 

Gently get back on your starting position and perform it on the other side.   

Ankle Circles

Looking for an exercise for treating your ankle pains? Ankle circles might just be the ones you also need. To do this exercise, start by sitting on a chair with your back properly supported before lifting your right leg approximately two inches off the floor. Move your toes in a circular motion. Do five counts while making circular clockwise motions with your ankles. Repeat the exercise with another five counts doing counter-clockwise circles. Switch legs and repeat the same procedure and number of repetitions for best results.

Learn more about arthritis pain management by reading the LifeClinic blog today.

Dr. Reza Alizadeh

Dr. Reza is the visionary behind LifeClinic. His leadership is the foundation for the patient and team member experience, and overall direction of the LifeClinic. As the creator of IMJT, Dr. Reza continues to be the primary teacher on this technique.

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