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Health & Fitness Blog

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Top Reasons to See A Chiropractor

Chiropractors are here for a good reason–they provide comfort and relief whatever your issue is, whether you’re suffering from lower back pain or can’t sleep because of stress. Still don’t know if you should visit one? Here are the top…

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How to Realign Your Hips After Pregnancy: 7 Exercises New Mothers Can Do

November 24, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

As an expectant mother, it’s normal for your body to undergo multiple changes during the course of your pregnancy. As the uterus stretches, hormonal changes affect one’s posture, ligaments, and joints.  One consequence of these changes is that certain hormones,…

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Your Guide to Common Areas of Headaches & What They Mean

November 15, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

Headaches are extremely common, with recent research reporting that the condition affects 52% of the global population. Furthermore, 15.8% of individuals experience headaches every day. You might feel a headache occur in various parts of the head, which may be…

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Spinal Decompression Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

November 9, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

The older you get, the more brittle and fragile your spinal discs become. Your joints also lose nutrients, leading to stiffness and a lack of flexibility. However, joint pain doesn’t only affect older people. Young adults may also suffer from…

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Top Reasons to See A Chiropractor

October 12, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

Chiropractors are here for a good reason–they provide comfort and relief whatever your issue is, whether you’re suffering from lower back pain or can’t sleep because of stress. Still don’t know if you should visit one? Here are the top…

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10 Benefits of Good Posture

October 5, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

Correcting your posture can be challenging if your line of work takes a toll on your body. For this reason, office workers, warehouse workers, and drivers are among those most at-risk for poor posture due to their nature of work.…

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How to Fix a Misaligned Spine

August 31, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

Sitting in a slouched position for prolonged periods puts intense strain on your spinal column, resulting in a weak spine. Back pain usually accompanies a weak spine caused by poor posture, but simple back pain can become more severe if…

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How to Correct Overpronation for a Stronger Stride

August 22, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

The shape and mechanics of our feet reduce the stress of walking or running. The feet roll outward or supinate whenever we walk or run to move us forward. And when they land on the ground, our feet roll inward…

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Can a Chiropractor Help with Sciatica?

August 16, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

Sharp pain, weakness in the leg and foot, and tingling are all common signs of sciatica. This pain is triggered by a pinched sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back to each leg. You may feel sciatic pain anywhere…

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How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck

August 2, 2022 Dr. Reza Alizadeh

If you experience soreness and difficulty moving your head, you may be dealing with a stiff neck. With this condition, you may also get a headache and feel shoulder or arm pain.  Straining your neck happens when you overuse or…

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LifeClinic offers chiropractic treatments that can help ease your pain and discomfort. It is one of the three primary services that LifeClinic offers, alongside physical therapy and rehabilitation services.

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